
FLUX: September, 2022 Update


Formidable Asset Management (“Formidable”) has closely followed Flux Power Holdings (NASDAQ: FLUX) as part of our fundamental research; click here for our September 2021 piece.

FLUX: September, 2022 Update2022-09-06T20:40:28+00:00

FLUX: October, 2021 Update


Formidable Asset Management (“Formidable”) has closely followed Flux Power Holdings (NASDAQ: FLUX) as part of our fundamental research; click here for our September 2021 piece.

FLUX: October, 2021 Update2021-10-26T14:43:14+00:00

FLUX: September, 2021 Update


Formidable Asset Management (“Formidable”) has closely followed Flux Power Holdings (NASDAQ: FLUX) as part of our fundamental research; click here for our September 2021 piece.

FLUX: September, 2021 Update2021-09-21T21:10:22+00:00

ACTG: September, 2021 Update


Formidable Asset Management (“Formidable”) has closely followed Acacia Research Corporation (NASDAQ: ACTG) as part of our fundamental research; click here for our September 2021 piece.

ACTG: September, 2021 Update2021-09-15T13:23:16+00:00

LAC: What Comes Next for Thacker Pass?


Formidable Asset Management (“Formidable”) has closely followed Lithium Americas Corp (NYSE: LAC) as part of our research in green energy; click here for our January 2021 piece on the approval of the company’s Thacker Pass project.

LAC: What Comes Next for Thacker Pass?2021-08-11T16:11:09+00:00

Acacia Research: Undervalued Biotech Tentacles


In this research note, Formidable takes a deep dive into Acacia Research Corporation (NASDAQ: ACTG), which represents an investment opportunity in secondary private equity, as well as patent litigation (its historical bailiwick). See below for the company’s mission statement, pulled from its website.

Acacia Research: Undervalued Biotech Tentacles2021-06-28T12:46:57+00:00

Gamma Squeeze. Who is Next?


Investors are seemingly always hunting for potential opportunities in the short squeeze space. However, what we have seen recently are short squeezes that are biblical in nature.

Gamma Squeeze. Who is Next?2021-06-01T21:40:18+00:00

Nano One Update: After the Capital Raise…


Nano One recently issued stock at $5.35 Canadian to raise a total of $25M. While we were first concerned about this decision, after speaking to the company, we feel more sanguine about the prospects for this capital. Obviously, dilution is nothing we cheer, especially as shareholders of a company without earnings currently. But the impetus behind it, per our discussion with the company, is that its customer base is demanding larger proof of concept deliverables.

Nano One Update: After the Capital Raise…2021-03-26T20:00:24+00:00